The Mexican Chargé to Acting Secretary of State Adee.

No. 144.]

Esteemed Sir: In confirmation of what I had the honor to communicate to you yesterday verbally, with profound sorrow I advise you now by the present note that Dr. Don Manuel de Azpíroz, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Mexico near the Government of the United States of America, died yesterday afternoon at 4.40.

I beg you, if possible, to be good enough to express to His Excellency the President the sentiments of gratitude which I hasten to tender in the name of my government, in that of this embassy, and in that of the family of the deceased for the personal condolence which His Excellency deigned to send last night by Colonel Bromwell.

I beg you also to be pleased to accept for yourself the same sentiments for the kindly sympathy which you were pleased to show yesterday on account of the sad event which has thrown the embassy under my charge into mourning.

I reiterate, etc.,

F. Gamboa.