Mr. Nabeshima to Mr. Hay.
Washington, June 12, 1900.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication dated the 11th instant, in reply to my No. 22 of date the 7th instant, and of the copy of a telegram from the governor of Colorado dated the 8th instant transmitted therewith. The latter document discloses the fact that the information upon which my communication was based was correct, and that the State board of health of Colorado has issued a discriminatory order against Japanese travelers, which is in manifest violation of their personal rights and of the treaty obligations of the United States. I sincerely regret that your communication expresses no opinion upon this point, and is silent also as regards the request made in my No. 22 for a reply to my three communications regarding the cognate question of quarantine discrimination against Japanese subjects at San Francisco.
In view of the gravity of the circumstances which the admitted facts in both cases disclose, I beg most respectfully to state that I am at a loss to understand why I have not had the honor to receive some expression of the views of the Government of the United States on the subject; and therefore can not see that I have any other recourse than to report the matter to my Government and await its further instructions. |
Accept, etc.,