Registration of Spanish subjects in the Philippine Islands1
1. See Foreign Relations, 1899, p. 714, et seq.
Protocol of agreement extending, as to the Philippine Islands, for six months from, April 11, 1900, the period fixed in Article IX of the treaty of peace between the United States and Spain, signed at Paris December 10, 1898, during which Spanish subjects, natives of the peninsula, may declare their intention to retain their Spanish nationality.
Signed at Washington, March 29, 1900.
Advice and
consent of the Senate, April 27, 1900.
Proclaimed, April 28,
[1020] By the President of the United States of America.
[seal.] Done at
the City of Washington
twenty-eighth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand
nine hundred, and of the independence of the United States the
one hundred and twenty-fourth.