Legation of the United States,
Caracas, December 21,
No. 32.]
[Inclosure in No.
Mr. Rojas to
Mr. Haselton.
Caracas, December 20,
Most Excellent Sir: The message sent by the
most excellent Mr. Cleveland to the Congress of the United States at
the opening of its present session contains expressions relative to
our question with England which speak much for the spirit of equity
and true Americanism of the great Republic.
In effect the message invokes the principle of arbitration as
adequate to the settlement of the dispute; it advocates its adoption
as a resort honorable to both parties; it notes the fact that
Venezuela, the weaker power, earnestly desires arbitration; and it
gives assurance that the voice of the great American nation will be
heard in favor of a decorous and peaceful solution of this vexatious
matter of difference.
Venezuela, most excellent sir, has noted with singular gratitude this
noble proof of concern for her tranquillity and her honor, and the
Government of which I form a part, as the authorized interpreter of
the national sentiment, earnestly desires that the most excellent
Mr. Cleveland should know of the grateful impression here produced
by his eloquent words, and should be made acquainted with the
appreciation on the part of this Republic of the generous offices
which, in the furtherance of an adjustment between England and
Venezuela, he in the above-mentioned portion of his notable message
promises to exercise.
The executive power trusts that your worthy legation will be pleased
to transmit to the President of the United States, through the
medium of the Department of State, the expression of the foregoing
sentiments, and in so requesting,
I have, etc.,