Mr. Bartleman to
Mr. Gresham.
Legation of the United States,
Caracas, May 18, 1894.
(Received May 28.)
No. 150.]
Sir: Referring to my Nos. 112 and 145, of the
3d ultimo and 9th instant, with regard to the question of navigation of
the bayous Macareo and Pedernales of the Orinoco River, and the
detention at Ciudad Bolivar of the American steamer Bolivar for an alleged violation of the navigation laws
regarding these channels, I have the honor to inform you that up to this
time I have received no further communications from the consular agent
at that place.
I have called upon the minister of foreign affairs on several occasions
with the hope of obtaining a special permit for the steamer’s return
through the Macareo channel, but since she has changed her flag the
desired permission seems difficult to procure.
On the 14th instant I received two letters, dated Trinidad the 9th
instant, from the manager of the General Steamship Company, in which he
states that he is leaving that day for Ciudad Bolivar; that on his
arrival there he proposes to ask for a regular clearance, and if refused
he will bring the steamer away unless detained by force. Fearing that
further complications might arise from such action, I sent him a
telegram on the same day, advising him to act with discretion. Later the
same evening received a telegram from Mr. Carpenter, dated the 12th,
stating that the steamer was still illegally detained, and requesting me
to ask you for instructions to demand the release of the vessel, which I
thought was unnecessary, as she is not detained except by the agent, who
either can not or will not give the bond of 10,000 bolivars required,
[Page 791]
and who insists upon
returning through the channels. The steamer is at liberty to depart
through the “Boca Grande” when this is done.
I have refrained from any discussion with the minister of foreign affairs
as to the right of navigating these channels, having in mind the
Department’s No. 308, of November 4, 1892 (Mr. Foster to Mr. Scruggs),
in which is asked “whether the bayous of that river were open to the
flags of all nations, especially our own.”
I know that the public sentiment is against the decree of July 1, 1893,
closing these channels, and that such a regulation is most unjust to
ourselves; but in the absence of any instructions from you I have not
felt at liberty to protest against it.
Awaiting your instructions,
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Mr. Carpenter
to Mr. Bartleman.
Port of Spain,
9, 1894. (Received May
My Dear Sir: The General Steamship
Company’s steamer Bolivar is still being
detained at Ciudad Bolivar by the Venezuelan authorities; and by the
arrival at this port this a.m. of the Venezuelan gunboat Gen. Rivas, direct from Ciudad Bolivar, I
received information that the telegraph wires between Ciudad Bolivar
and Caracas were broken and all communication cut off.
I am informed that a treaty exists between the United States of
America and Venezuela which grants to vessels of the United States
the free navigation of all Venezuelan rivers flowing into the
The steamship Bolivar having been refused a
clearance by the collector of the port of Ciudad Bolivar, who claims
he is acting under instructions from Caracas, would it not be proper
to sail without a clearance, unless forcibly detained? Our case
seems to me to be similar to the case of the Red “D” steamship Philadelphia. The Philadelphia was refused a clearance last year at La
Guayra for refusing to surrender a passenger, General Mjares, who
was a political refugee, and proceeded to New York without a
This detention of the Bolivar is causing
serious damage to our business, and if continued longer will result
in great pecuniary loss to the General Steamship Company, even
threatening tototally destroy the business which they have been
carrying on for sixteen years.
Hoping your efforts in our behalf may be successful, I remain,
Yours, &c.,
Geo. F. Carpenter,
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Mr. Carpenter
to Mr. Bartleman.
Port of Spain,
9, 1894. (Received May
My dear Sir: After writing you this morning
I consulted Mr. William P. Pierce, United States consul, and acting
on his advice I have decided to go to Ciudad Bolivar myself by the
steamer leaving to-day.
[Page 792]
my arrival there I propose to ask for a regular clearance from the
collector of customs, and if it is again refused, I intend to bring
the steamship Bolivar away from Ciudad
Bolivar at once, unless detained by force by the authorities. Our
detention is illegal and without reason, and the line of procedure
at present marked out may bring matters to a crisis.
I write this to prepare you for anything you may hear from Ciudad
Yours, etc.,
[Inclosure 3 in No.
Mr. Carpenter
to Mr. Bartleman.
Ciudad Bolivar, May
12, 1894. (Received May
Bolivar still illegally detained. Full
particulars of the case already in possession of State Department,
Washington. If you can do nothing, ask for instructions from
Washington. Demand immediate release, Please wire answer here to me
at this place at once.
Geo. F. Carpenter,
[Inclosure 4 in No.
Mr. Bartleman
to Mr. Carpenter.
Caracas, May 14,
1894—(10 a.m.)
Your letter dated Trinidad May 9 received to-day. Read my telegrams
to your agent at Ciudad Bolivar. Act with discretion and do not
complicate matters.
You are in error as to treaty.
Richard M. Bartleman,
Chargé d’Affaires.