Mr. Terrell to Mr. Gresham.

No. 173.]

Sir: I inclose a copy of my note to the Porte dated December 29, 1893, regarding the imprisonment at Yozgad of Atam Aivazian, in which I proposed to send a representative of the United States to Yozgad, and protested against the continued imprisonment of the man without trial.

Please find also inclosed a copy of the Porte’s answer to that note, written a month after its receipt, in which the man’s claim of American citizenship is admitted to have been made by him.

I inclose also my note to the Porte of yesterday (January 31), in which I stated that I had solicited a letter and teskeré, or traveling permit, for my secretary of legation to go to Yozgad and report to me regarding his right to my protection, and that finally, in obedience tp a manifest duty, I had reported the facts to you for instructions.

I have, etc.,

A. W. Terrell.
[Inclosure 1 in No. 173.]

Mr. Terrell to the Sublime Porte.

His Excellency Saїd Pacha was informed by the minister of the United States that Atam Aivazian, a naturalized American citizen, had for three months been confined at Yozgad in prison. This legation will be at all times ready to send a representative of the United States to attend upon the trial of the man, if he is accused of crime. If his presence in the Ottoman Empire is objectionable, this legation will oppose no objection to the action of the Government in requiring the man to go at once to the United States; but his continued confinement in prison without trial is protested against.

[Inclosure 2 in No. 173.—Translation.]

The Sublime Porte to Mr. Terrell.

The ministry of foreign affairs has received the verbal note that the legation of the United States of America has kindly addressed to it on the 29th of December last, No. 14 bis, relating to the preventive detention of one Atam Aivazian.

[Page 767]

The governor-general of the vilayet of Angora, asked on the subject, remarks in replying that the aforesaid, accused of having facilitated the murderer of Kehyaian, was born in the village of Eilindjé, in the district of Boghozlian, of parents who are Ottoman subjects, and never ceased to belong legally to his original nationality.

He has declared, it is true, at the time of his cross-examination before the cross-examiner, that he went eleven years ago to America and obtained the American naturalization, but he has not been able to produce any authentic act or document to sustain his pretense.

His Excellency Merndouh Bey adds, however, that the examination of his affair is presently on the point to be closed.