Mr. Uhl to Mavroyeni Bey.
Department of State, February 19, 1894.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 16th ultimo, wherein you mention the report which has reached you that 30 Armenians, residing in New York, propose to engage in military drill, with a view to the disturbance of order and tranquillity in Turkey, and ask that the authorities of New York be communicated with on the subject.
I shall be happy to communicate, as you desire, a translation of your note to the governor of New York, so that the State authorities may be in a position to act should the municipal law or police regulations be violated.
It is, as you are doubtless aware, the province of the courts of the United States to take cognizance of complaints duly made that acts violative of the neutrality statute are being committed within the jurisdiction of this country. Should the Turkish consul-general at New York be informed of the organization of any expedition there against [Page 727] the peace of Turkey, it may be advisable for him to consult with the United States attorney for the district with regard to the proper method of procedure.
Accept, etc.,
Acting Secretary.