Mr. Terrell to Mr. Gresham.
Legation of the United States, September 21, 1894. (Received October 8.)
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that a telegram from the governor of the province of Mosul to the grand vizier announces that on the 17th of September the following-named parties were found guilty of assaulting the American missionary and were condemned to imprisonment for three years, viz, Halil, Fakhi, Abdoolah, and Terho.
The following-named, discharged: Abdul Aziz, Abou Beker, Ago, Ali-bin-Mehmed, Polman; against these five the evidence is reported insufficient.
The four convicted parties can, under the law, appeal to the supreme court of the Ottoman Empire, which sits here at the capital; the conviction now had was before the “court of appeals” for the province of Mosul.
If an appeal is taken I will myself examine the evidence with the aid of my dragoman, and try to secure justice.
I need not assure you that I feel deeply the importance of this proceeding, which will be followed by some feeling of greater security by our people who are in that remote province. They naturally complain of wrongs remaining unredressed during past years; but whatever may be the final result, they can not complain that Mr. Cleveland’s administration has been wanting in energy in the prosecution of this case. Copy of my telegram of this date is inclosed on the overleaf.
I have, etc.,