Mr. Terrell to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Legation of the United States, December 17, 1893. (Received Jan. 6,
No. 139.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose the memorandum
of a conversation with his highness the grand vizier, yesterday, the
16th, regarding the progress of the investigation of the outrage on Miss
Melton. I have attempted to keep you advised of the progress of this
investigation on account of the great interest felt in it by religious
people in the United States.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure in No. 139.]
Memorandum of a conversation with Djevad Pasha,
grand vizier, on the 16th December, 1893.
On the 16th instant I visited the grand vizier, and, * * * I said: “I
came chiefly to tell you that I am delighted over a telegram just
received from Mr. McDowell at Mosul. He says, ‘Your new governor is
doing well.’” He answered, “I also have received a long telegram
from the vali; he is a true man. He informs me that he has arrested
two of the three men who assaulted that woman, and has the evidence
that will convict them. The object was robbery. The third party is
known, and he is being pursued and will be taken.”
To this I responded: “This evidence of your energy in securing the
punishment of those miscreants will be greatly appreciated by my
Government. No money indemnity could repair the wrong done to that
defenseless woman; none is asked, none is wanted, if punishment is
He then signaled his secretary, and directed him to bring the
telegram to Gargiulo, whose interpretation of the telegram fully
sustained his statement.
* * * * * * *