Mr. Terrell to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Legation of the United States, December 6, 1893. (Received December
No. 124.]
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I have
no late information of progress in the trial of the men under arrest for
assaulting Miss Melton. A long letter of 40 or 50 pages from Mr.
McDowell, received on the 2d instant, reveals no evidence sufficient to
convict. I deem it unnecessary to forward a copy. I inclose copy of a
letter just received from Mr. McDowell, which indicates that the new
governor sent from here is desirous of doing his duty. I have no means
of doing more in this matter to enforce respect for our people in that
distant region. The trial is progressing on the river Tigris, at Mosul,
opposite old Nineveh. * * *
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure in No. 124.]
Mr. McDowell to
Mr. Terrell.
Mosul, Turkey, November 16, 1893.
Dear Sir: I have been informed that the
vali received a strong telegram from the grand vizier last week in
reference to our case, which I presume to be due to some action
taken by you.
The vali has twice sent me assurances of his interest in the case
since receiving the telegram.
I thank you for your perseverance in the matter. If redress is
obtained it will be due only to your indefatigable efforts.
I sent you by last post a full statement of our case. If it has not
been received on receipt of this letter, will you please to
telegraph me to that effect that I may send a duplicate of it.
There is nothing new to say about our case.
Very respectfully, etc.,