Mr. Grip to Mr. Gresham.
Washington, August 24, 1894.
Mr. Secretary of State:
Referring to my note of the 28th ultimo relative to the recognition in the United States ports of the certificates of admeasurement of Norwegian vessels, I have the honor to inform your excellency that a telegram, received to-day from the minister of foreign affairs at Stockholm, apprises me that the department of finance of Norway has ordered, by a circular bearing date of to-day, that American certificates of admeasurement, bearing an appendix indicating the deductions to be made according to the system now adopted in Norway, shall be accepted by the authorities in Norwegian ports, so that United States vessels provided with such certificates are to be exempt from any readmeasurement.
Hoping that this decision of my Government will facilitate a speedy and favorable settlement of the pending question, I beg your excellency to be pleased to acquaint me with the views of the United States Government on this subject.
Be pleased, etc.,