Mr. Taylor to Mr. Gresham.

No. 278.]

Sir: I have the honor to report the receipt yesterday (Sunday) of your telegram of the 29th instant. I inclose you herein a copy of a note which I have to-day addressed to the minister of state.

I am, etc.,

Hannis Taylor.
[Page 627]

Mr. Taylor to Mr. Groizard.

Excellency: On the 16th instant I had the honor to read to you a cablegram from Washington indicating a certain line of action which the President will feel compelled to take if no arrangement can be made by which the prohibitive duties now imposed upon American flour and other products exported to the Antilles can be reduced to the rate now imposed on like products from Canada and other favored countries. As I explained to you, the case is of such an urgent nature that my Government will be compelled to act promptly; and the character of such action will of course depend upon the conclusion which shall be reached by the Government of His Majesty. I received yesterday from Washington a second cablegram instructing me to ask of you a response to that read to you by me on the 16th instant.

A waiting your reply, which I will cable to Washington as soon as received, I avail, etc.,

Hannis Taylor.