Mr. Uhl to Mr. Taylor.

No. 188.]

Sir: I have to acknowledge receipt of your No. 228, of the 30th ultimo, with which was inclosed a copy of a note from the minister of state announcing that His Majesty’s Government has decided to annul the decree of June 28, 1891, putting into execution the reciprocity arrangement in the islands of Cuba and Porto Rico.

In this connection I inclose herewith copy of a telegram received from the United States consul-general at Havana, copy of a letter from the Treasury Department, and copy of a telegram to the consul-general at Havana, all relating to the date when the reciprocity arrangement ceased to be in force.

I am, etc.,

Edwin F. Uhl,
Acting Secretary.
[Inclosure 1 in No. 188.—Telegram.]

Mr. Williams to Mr. Gresham.

The importers here of American merchandise desire to know if the products shipped from Cuba to the United States up to the closing of the 27th instant are included in the franchises of the reciprocity agreement, as they claim from the Spanish Government that American products shipped there up to that date ought to be allowed to fully enjoy the franchises of that agreement. Please cable answer.

[Inclosure 2 in No. 188.]

Mr. Carlisle to Mr. Gresham.

Sir: Replying to your note of this date, in relation to a telegram received from Havana merchants, asking as to the date upon which they will cease to enjoy the franchises of the reciprocity agreement, I have to state that the date of shipment is of no legal account in such transactions, the liability to duty being determined entirely by the date of arrival at a port of entry in the United States. I can give no information relative to the probable action of the Spanish Government in regard to the question of merchandise imported under the reciprocity agreement.

Very respectfully,

J. G. Carlisle,
[Page 621]
[Inclosure 3 in No. 188.—Telegram.]

Mr. Gresham to Mr. Williams.

Secretary of the Treasury informs me that all goods arriving at ports of entry of the United States after midnight of August 27th instant will be subject to the duties prescribed by our new tariff law irrespective of the time of shipment.