Mr. Taylor to Mr. Gresham.
Madrid, July 13, 1894. (Received July 28.)
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your cablegram of the 12th instant, inquiring as to the payment of the Caroline indemnity, a copy of which is appended on the overleaf. It has so happened that the payment was made to-day, of which fact I have notified you by a cablegram, a copy of which is appended on the overleaf. I inclose herein the first of exchange (No. 30762), drawn by the Union Bank of Spain and England, Limited, to your order on Messrs. Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co., 46 Wall street, New York, for $17,500 in American gold. As soon as a proper and becoming time elapses I will make the demand for the return of the missionaries in accordance with your instructions.
I am, etc.,