Mr. Guzmán to Mr. Gresham.
Washington, September 25, 1894.
Your Excellency: I have the honor to inform you that I have received instructions from the Government of Salvador to solicit of your excellency, in fulfillment of the treaty of May 23, 1870, the extradition of Don Antonio Ezeta, now at liberty in the United States of America, and prosecuted in his own country, in conformity with the laws, for the murder of Don José Guillen, perpetrated by Ezeta in person on the 15th April, 1891, when his brother was ruling in that Republic, when there was no disturbance nor martial law, nor anything that could impart a political character to his crime, even in the most remote degree.
The documents proving Ezeta’s crime reached my hands last night.
I, therefore, request your excellency to have the goodness to furnish me with the preliminary warrant necessary for instituting extradition proceedings against the said Don Antonio Ezeta for the crime mentioned.
Accept, etc.,