Mr. Baker to Mr. Gresham.
Managua, June 15, 1894.
Sir: I am in receipt of the following telegram from Salvador:
San Salvador, 3:15 p.m., May 15, 1894.
Managua, 6 p.m., May
15, 1894.
Mr. Baker, Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States, Managua:
I have the honor of communicating to you that the Government of the United States has recognized, by cable, Gen. Rafael A. Gutierrez as President of this Republic. As the President’s general secretary I solicit in the name of justice the extradition of Antonio Ezeta and his companions who have found an asylum on the U. S. S. Bennington at the port of La Libertad. The said criminals are accused of and prosecuted for the common crimes of murder, robbery, arson, and other atrocities. I beg your excellency to accept the considerations with which I subscribe myself your obedient servant.
Estanislao Perez,
No answer was made to this, awaiting instructions from Washington.
I am, etc.,