Mr. White to Mr. Gresham.
St. Petersburg, September 13, 1894.
(Received September 28.)
Sir: William Hess, a naturalized citizen of the United States, of Austrian birth, desires to relinquish his citizenship.
Mr. Hess obtained his naturalization at Buffalo, N. Y., October 25, 1870, by application to Hon. T. G. Marsten, and bears a passport signed by Charles Emory Smith, minister, etc., February 25, 1891.
He claims that the exigencies of his business in this Empire make it desirable that he become a Russian subject, and he finds that to become such he must secure a certificate from proper authority, stating that the Government of the United States has no objection to his change of allegiance.
As I find no precedent for such a case I inclose draft of a certificate respectfully asking instructions regarding its form and issue.
I am, etc.,