Mr. White to Mr. Gresham.
St. Petersburg, January 12, 1894.
(Received January 29.)
Sir: I have the honor, pursuant to instructions contained in your dispatch, No. 151, of December 28, 1893, to inclose a copy of a note received from the imperial department of foreign affairs, relating to the rights of Americana to acquire and hold real estate in Russia.
In accordance with the permission granted in your dispatch as above, I have forwarded to L. H. Smith, esq., an American doing business at Vladivostock and in the Amoor region, a certified copy of the same for use with the authorities.
The matter of acquiring real estate does not appear so easy in practice as the inclosed note would make it in theory.
In all parts of Russia not only laws, but special prescriptions, limitations, arrangements, and orders of various civil and military authorities have more or less force, and the result of this case is, that Mr. Smith, though aided by lawyers, has found it impossible to secure permission to buy real estate without such a certified copy.
I am, etc.,