Mr. Gresham to Mr. White.
Washington, December 22, 1893.
Sir: I am in receipt of a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury of the 20th instant, calling my attention to the following United States Press dispatch from their correspondent in St. Petersburg:
London, December 17.
The United Press correspondent in St. Petersburg says that the Jewish emigrants now at frontier stations, on their way to America, if officially certified to he destitute, will he provided by Russian consuls at the ports of departure with the sums necessary to insure their admission into the United States.
Mr. Carlisle requests that you be instructed to verify the foregoing report, and, should it be found to be authentic, to inform the Russian Government that assisted immigrants of the class mentioned, will not be permitted to land in the United States. You will give the matter your prompt and careful attention.
I am, etc.,