Mr. Webb to Mr. Gresham.
St. Petersburg, September 3, 1893.
(Received September 20.)
Sir: I have the honor to send you herein the substance of a circular on the subject of the expulsion of Jews that has just appeared. It does not refer, I am informed, to Jews established in the trades—tailors, shoemakers, carpenters, etc., but to clerks, employés in banks, bank directors, apothecaries and their assistants, doctors, etc. Freely rendered the circular is as follows: The ministry of the interior has decided as follows relative to the question of expelling the Jews from localities where they are unlawfully residing, in the interest of said Jews and of peasants with whom they have business relations.
The last term for the expulsion of Jews from towns to localities granted them is extended to June 1, 1894.
Governors of provinces are informed that in no case is this term to be extended longer than June 1, 1895. This term refers to special cases, which must be reported to the ministry and receive sanction.
Special attention is also called to passports of Jews. No Jews will be allowed to remain in provincial towns excepting as travelers, residing temporarily, as cases shown in section 151 of the statutes on passports.
Expulsion of Jews from the military districts of the Caucasus.
The minister of war has ordered the authorities of the Verskoi and Kouban districts to expel all Jews from the Kouban district within a month’s notice, dating from the month of August.
I am, etc.,
Chargé d’affaires ad interim.