Mr. Tyler to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Teheran, Persia, August
29, 1894.
(Received October 3,
No. 123.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose a copy of a
letter, dated August 24, which I have just received from the Rev. James
W. Hawkes, of Hamadan, conveying the gratifying intelligence that the
Shah, in the exercise of his authority, had telegraphed to the governor
insisting that he preserve order in the town and prevent any further
molestation of the Jews and Christians, and that the missionaries be
permitted to live in peace, that no occasion be given to the U. S.
legation to make representations of this character.
It is a source of satisfaction to learn that the Shah took the matter
into his own hands, and in his orders to the governor has given it to be
understood that he looks with undisguised displeasure at the persecution
of the Jews and Christians, whilst at the same time he conveys the
sanction of his approval at the work of the missionaries.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Mr. Hawkes to
Mr. Tyler.
Hamadan, Persia, August 24, 1894.
Dear Mr. Tyler: Your favor of August 14 was
received by our last mail, and I wish to thank you in the name of my
fellow-missionaries for the prompt measures you have taken to secure
our safety and prosperity. This morning the Beglar Begi, Hussein
Khan, Sarteeb, showed me two long and explicit telegrams sent in the
name of the Shah to our governor, insisting that he preserve order
and see to it that the Jews and Armenians of Hamadan be not
molested, reciting the occurrences of the past month or so, and
insisting that the missionaries be in peace, so that the U. S.
legation have no further need to make
[Page 503]
representations of this character. This is the
substance of the telegrams so far as I can recall them. I did not
think to ask for a copy of them just then, and when I asked for a
copy they had gone back to the governor.
There has been perfect quiet here since I wrote you last week, and we
have expressed our thanks to the governor for his timely aid and our
gratification at its success. The Hessam-ul-Mulk arrived here about
a week ago, and he took pains, during our call yesterday, to say
that he holds himself ready to summarily quiet any further
disturbances. We trust there may be no need for his carrying this
determination into effect.
With many thanks,