Mr. Guzmán to Mr. Gresham.


Sir: I have the honor, referring to our conversation of this morning, herewith to transmit to your excellency copies of the documents which [Page 461] I showed you, and which relate to the important question of an inter-oceanic canal through Nicaragua.

My Government, being anxious to see that great highway between the two oceans opened up for navigation as speedily as possible, always views with the greatest satisfaction the interest which the United States have for a long time manifested in the completion of that most important enterprise.

I reiterate, etc.

H. Guzmán.

Translation of two paragraphs of a communication addressed to the legation of Nicaragua at Washington by the ministry of foreign relations of Nicaragua, under date of April 7, 1894.

Mr. Minister: The U. S. minister in Nicaragua had a conference a few days since with the President and vice-president of the Republic, and with the undersigned, his object having been to state to the Government his views with regard to the canal company.

The minister said that he thought that the said corporation, in view of its present circumstances, could not accomplish the piercing of our isthmus, and that, as he understood that the U. S. Government did not consider it possible for it to associate its name with those of the promoters of that enterprise, in the accomplishment of the work, he desired to know whether the Government of Nicaragua, in case of the lapse of the Cardenas-Menocal contract, would be willing to enter into negotiations with the United States, with a view to settling the question of the construction of the interoceanic highway.

A true copy.

H. Guzmán.