Mr. Thompson to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Petropolis, April 25, 1894.
(Received May 29.)
No. 225.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit copy of
correspondence between his excellency the minister of foreign affairs
and this legation upon the occasion of the occupation by the Government
forces of the islands and ships which had been held by the insurgents in
the bay of Rio de Janeiro and upon the announcement of the defeat and
abandonment of their cause by the insurgents in the States of Paraná,
Santa Catharina, and Rio Grande do Sul.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Senhor Nascimento to Mr. Thompson.
Ministry of Foreign Relations,
Rio de Janeiro, March 14, 1894.
I have the pleasure of notifying Mr. Thomas L. Thompson, envoy
extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States of
America, that the rebellion in the harbor of this capital is ended,
and that the Government is in possession of the forts and vessels
which were in the hands of the rebels.
This happy event, which is of great interest to those countries that
have commercial relations with Brazil, permits those relations to
resume their usual course, and the marechal vice-president will do
all in his power to that end.
I avail, etc.,
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Mr. Thompson to
Senhor Nascimento.
Legation of the United States,
Petropolis, March 15, 1894.
I have the honor to acknowledge your excellency’s communication of
March 14, declaring that the revolt in the port of the federal
capital is at an end, and of the determination on the part of the
Government to maintain the free operation of commerce. I have the
honor further to tender congratulations to his excellency the Sr.
marechal vice-president of the Republic, upon the successful
termination of the issue which has enabled the Government to give
this assurance.
I improve, etc.,
[Inclosure 3 in No.
Senhor Nascimento to Mr. Thompson.
Ministry of Foreign Relations,
Rio de Janeiro, April 20, 1894.
I have waited for the latest news from the south to have the pleasure
of notifyiug Mr. Thomas L. Thompson, envoy extraordinary and
minister plenipotentiary of the United States of America, that the
rebellion is also happily ended in that portion of the territory of
the Republic, and that the Government of the Union is in possession
of the States of Santa Catharina and Parana, in which it has already
reestablished the reign of law. As to the State of Rio Grande do
Sul, it still continues under the legal Government.
In communicating to the minister this happy event, which is of so
great interest to mutual commercial relations,
I avail, etc.,
[Page 61]
[Inclosure 4 in No.
Mr. Thompson to
Senhor Nascimento.
Legation of the United States,
Petropolis, April 22, 1894.
With great satisfaction I have the honor to acknowledge the
communication of his excellency Dr. Cassiano do Nascimento, minister
for foreign affairs, of April 20, the announcement of the
suppression of the revolt, and the restoration of lawful authority
in the States of Paraná, Santa Catharina, and Rio Grande do Sul.
Conveying to his excellency, the vice-president, congratulations upon
the reestablishment of constitutional authority in the rebellious
States, I beg to express also the good will of the people of the
United States of America, and the hope that his excellency the
vice-president may live long to enjoy the fruits of a victory which
seems to perpetuate the States of Brazil as a Republic, and, under
its benign authority, the happiness of the people.
It is with much pleasure I have the honor to again assure, etc.,