Mr. Romero to Mr. Gresham.
Washington, March 8, 1894. (Received March 8.)
My Dear Mr. Gresham: I have the honor to inform you that the Honorable Thomas M. Paschal, of Texas, having suggested to me to ask the Government of Mexico if it had come to any decision in regard [Page 417] to the decree of the Congress of the United States, approved by the President on the 15th of January last, permitting the free reentry into Texas of cattle grazing in Mexico, I cabled the secretary of the treasury of the Government of Mexico and received from him a reply in which he tells me that, owing to the convention on this subject which was signed by both countries on July 11, 1888, being still before the Senate of Mexico, and owing to the opposition of the Mexican border stock raisers, it has not been possible to arrive at an immediate decision on the subject.
I am, etc.,