Mr. Romero to Mr. Gresham.
Washington, March 12, 1894. (Received March 12.)
Mr. Secretary: I have the honor to inform you that I communicated to the Government of Mexico your note of the 21st ultimo in reply to mine of the 9th of that month, whereby I advised your Department that the Government of Mexico had instructed its commissioner On the International Boundary Commission which was organized under the convention of March 1, 1889, to proceed to the demarcation of the dividing line between the towns of El Paso del Norte, Mexico, and El Paso, Tex., in strict conformity with said convention, availing himself of the presence of the commissioners in the latter of the aforesaid towns, and that I have now received a communication from Mr. Mariscal, secretary of foreign relations of the Mexican Government, dated City of Mexico, March 2, 1894, instructing me to state to this Government that the notice of the Government of Mexico was attracted by the fact that your reply refers merely to the demarcation of the line on the international bridges, whereas the authority given to the Mexican commissioner was to demark the boundary line between El Paso del Norte, Mexico, and El Paso, Tex., on which demarcation that of the bridges connecting them depends.
The Government of Mexico has reason to think that the bed of the Rio Grande has changed in that place since the boundary was determined in pursuance of the treaty of Gaudalupe Hidalgo, and the first question to be decided, is where the boundary line between those towns passes.
The Government of Mexico has desired to make this explanation to that of the United States in order to prevent any misunderstanding with regard to this matter.
Be pleased to accept, etc.,