Mr. Romero to Mr. Gresham.


Mr. Secretary: I have the honor to inform you that, in accordance with the contents of your note of the 24th ultimo, and with the desire expressed by you during the interview which we had at the Department of State on the 25th, I suggested to the Government of Mexico by cable to instruct the commissioner of Mexico on the International Boundary Commission which was organized in pursuance of the convention of March 1, 1889, to proceed to the demarcation of the boundary line on the international bridges between El Paso, Tex., and Paso del Norte, Mexico, according to Article iv of the convention of November 12, 1884, thus taking advantage of the presence of the commissioners at El Paso, Tex.; and that I have received a reply from the Government at Mexico, bearing date of the 30th ultimo, whereby I am informed that the Mexican commissioner had already been authorized to proceed to the determination of the boundary line between the aforesaid towns in strict harmony with the convention of 1889.

Be pleased to accept, etc.,

M. Romero.