Mr. Uhl to Mr. Romero.
Washington, May 12, 1894.
Sir: Referring to your note of the 7th ultimo, in regard to the suspension by this Government of discriminating duties on tonnage and cargo imposed in our ports in the case of Mexican vessels, and to my note of the 10th of the same month, wherein a reply was promised as soon as information could be obtained, I have now the honor to inform you that it appears from reports received from our consuls in the various ports of Mexico that a discriminating duty in the nature of a tonnage duty of $1.50 a ton is still being levied on all sailing vessels not owned by Mexican citizens and having on board lumber or general cargoes (coal and coke excluded). This duty is levied under article 18 of the Mexican tariff of 1885. This duty is, it may be incidentally remarked, levied not on the United States register, which is not recognized by Mexico, but on a new admeasurement, which is 28.3 per cent larger.
It is in view of this discriminating tonnage due that this Government [Page 410] is unable to comply with the request of the Mexican Government to suspend the Treasury circular of May 27, 1889, issued in pursuance of section 2502 of the Revised Statutes, imposing a discriminating duty of 10 per cent ad valorem upon Mexican goods imported in Mexican vessels.
Accept, etc.,
Acting Secretary.