Mr. Moonlight to Mr. Gresham.
La Paz, Bolivia, July 19, 1894. (Received August 24.)
Sir: Replying to No. 12, of June 4, received yesterday, disapproving of my action in asking the Bolivian Government for the promotion of Maj. Romulo Fortún, of the army, for courtesies and kindnesses received during my reception, and requesting that proper explanation be made to the minister of foreign affairs, I have the honor to transmit herewith my No. 13 to the minister of foreign relations, making the proper explanation, which I trust will receive the approval of the Department. I acknowledge frankly that it was with great reluctance note 6 of April 25 was written, and was careful to say “if consistent with the views of the Government and custom in like cases;” but had overlooked that it was in violation of section 1751 of the Revised Statutes, and which I very much regret.
I have, etc.,