Mr. Gresham to Mr. Willis.
Washington, August 8, 1894.
Sir: Your No. 65 of the 9th ultimo reported the proceedings attending the close of the Hawaiian constitutional convention, the adoption and promulgation of a constitution, and the installation of the Government of the Republic of Hawaii on the 4th of July.
I have to commend your reply to Mr. Hatch’s announcement of the organization of the new Government. It was clearly proper to extend it, as you did, the recognition accorded to its predecessor, the Provisional Government; thus carrying, out the long-observed rule of the United States of entering into relations with the authorities of an unopposed government.
The additional office copy which accompanied my No. 38 of the 7th instant of the President’s reply to the announcement by President Dole of his entrance upon the duties of his office will be preserved in the archives of your legation.
I am, etc.,