Mr. Smythe to Mr. Gresham.
Port au Prince, Haiti, March 20, 1894.
(Received April 2.)
Sir: Following my dispatches numbered 47 and 50, in reference to the expulsion of certain French citizens, I have to report that on the 16th instant the French chargé d’affaires called at this legation and asked me to say to the Haitian foreign secretary (if approached on the question) “that such expulsion should not be allowed except on good and sufficient evidence that the parties were engaged in treasonable [Page 345] practices.” I answered that I had asked my Government for instructions for my guidance in case of the possible expulsion of American citizens, but pending the receipt of such instructions, if asked by the secretary my view, that I would be compelled to say to him that if a similar order were issued against an American citizen, I would certainly demand proofs to justify it. The French representative said that he had expressions from the German minister and the English consul-general, and that they agreed that “sufficient proof should be adduced.”
I have not been approached in the matter by the foreign secretary and, while the French chargé claims that no proofs exist, have reason to believe the Government will defend its action as justified by international law.
Awaiting your reply, I have, etc.,