Mr. Gresham to Mr. Young.
Washington, June 7, 1894.
Sir: In its No. 11 of June 8, 1893, bringing to your attention the memorial of Mrs. Luella A. Oteri, by which she desired this Government to prefer a claim against Honduras for the alleged seizure of her vessel, the Joseph Oteri, Jr., by Honduranian insurgents in the port of Ceiba, the Department instructed you to investigate the circumstances of the seizure and also those attending the subsequent exclusion of the vessel from Honduranian ports and to report the facts to the Department. With the Department’s No. 41 of October 25 last was inclosed a letter from Mr. J. Oteri setting forth further acts of exclusion on the part of the authorities of Honduras, which you were instructed to bear in mind in making your investigation.
In reply to these instructions nothing has been received from you further than the information contained in your No. 11 of July 13 last, that you would proceed to Honduras as soon as the condition of the roads would admit. Meanwhile the parties interested, thinking a sufficient time has elapsed to hear from you, are pressing the Department for information regarding the result of your investigation.
It is assumed that the Department’s instructions have been receiving your attention and that your report on the subject will not be long delayed.
I am, sir, etc.,