Mr. Pringle to Mr. Gresham.
Guatemala, March 13, 1894. (Received March 29.)
Sir: I beg leave to report that the U. S. S. Ranger, Commander Longnecker commanding, arrived from Amapala in the port of San Jose de Guatemala on the evening of the 6th instant.
Commander Longnecker informs me that he was requested, through the U. S. consular agent, Mr. Hayden, at Amapala, by the representatives of Gen. Vasquez’s government and Gen. Bonilla’s government, to allow them to meet on his ship in the harbor of Amapala. He granted their request, and on the morning of the 3d of March Gen. Villela, commandante of Amapala, Col. Pinel, Mr. Rosseur, Gen. Manuel Bonilla, and Mr. Baca were present, Gen. Villela representing Vasquez’s government, Gen. Bonilla representing Bonilla’s government, and Mr. Baca representing the Nicaraguan Government.
An agreement was signed by which, at 8 o’clock the following morning, the troops of Gen. Vasquez, amounting in all to about 600 soldiers, were paid off and mustered out, and allowed to proceed to their homes. Later in the day Gen. Bonilla’s forces occupied the town.
By the terms of this agreement the soldiers were guaranteed a safe conduct to their homes. A general guaranty was also given under [Page 301] which the lives and property of all officers and officials who had served under Gen. Vasquez were secured.
Later in the day a petition was sent to Capt. Longnecker, through the consular agent, to give a passage to six gentlemen, namely, Gen. Villela, Col. Pinel, Col. Rodriguez, Messrs. Leira, Valdedares, and one other, to San José de Guatemala, as they were apprehensive that the terms of this agreement would not be carried out, and that their lives might be in danger.
Capt. Longnecker, after consultation with the consular agent, decided to grant their request, and brought them safely to San José de Guatemala.
As the mail closes before long, I will write more fully of affairs in Honduras by the next mail.
I have, etc.,
Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.