Mr. Pringle to Mr. Gresham.
Guatemala, March 1, 1894. (Received March 15.)
Sir: I have the honor to report to you that on the evening of the 22d instant President Vasquez, of Honduras (with about 300 troops), cut his way through the lines of the Nicaraguan and Honduranean revolutionists under Bonilla, and escaped from Tegucigalpa, where he had been besieged for thirty-one days by Bonilla.
As telegraphic communication has been interrupted, it is almost impossible to get any positive or accurate information. Mr. Peterson [Page 300] reported to me that the Americans with Vasquez were all safe. I suppose that by this time he has been enabled to make a full and detailed report to the Department.
I heard last night that President Vasquez had retreated across the frontier of Salvador. If this be true it is the virtual ending of the constitutional Government of Honduras.
I am, etc.,
Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.