Mr. Pringle to Mr. Gresham.
Guatemala, February 9, 1894. (Received March 2.)
Sir: Mr. Peterson, consul at Tegucigalpa, wrote this legation saying that there were several Americans serving with President Vasquez in Honduras, and that if the revolutionists under Policarpo Bonilla captured them they would undoubtedly be shot.
The situation has become desperate for President Vasquez, and from the present information in my possession I deem his downfall only a question of a few days. As Mr. Peterson is cut off from all outside communication I thought it best to cable you.
Amongst the Americans serving with Vasquez is a Mr. Imboden, who owns large mining interests at Yuscarán, and who is a bitter personal enemy of Bonilla. His brother is at present in Guatemala and appealed to me two days ago to take such steps as I thought proper to avert such a possibility.
I informed Mr. Imboden that I could not act officially, as he must be well aware of the fact that all Americans serving during revolutionary times must accept the consequences of defeat.
It is possible, however, that you might take another view of this matter, inasmuch as the Americans are all serving in the army of the constitutionally recognized Government, and in most instances are fighting for the preservation of their property and interests.
[Page 299]As I have reason to believe that the Ranger is at Amapala, which is about three days’ journey from Tegucigalpa, I thought it best to call your attention to this fact, that in case you wished to communicate with the capital, an officer might be sent from there.
I have, etc.,
Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.
P. S.—I inclose copy of letter from Mr. Imboden, the gentleman referred to in this dispatch.