Mr. Uhl to Mr. Alexander.
Washington, May 9, 1894.
Sir: Under date of May 23, 1893, you were directed by Department’s No. 4 to again call the attention of the Greek Government to the act of March 3, 1891, relating to international copyright. In your reply thereto (No. 10, Greek series, July 28, 1893) you stated that it was possible that some interest in the subject might be aroused before the next session of the Chamber of Deputies, since which reply nothing has been received from you touching the matter, and it is inferred that the Chamber of Deputies adjourned without taking up the subject.
It is the Department’s desire that you will give this matter your prompt attention, communicating to it the present status thereof and what likelihood there is of the Greek Government accepting the provisions of the act referred to.
I am, etc.,
Acting Secretary.