Mr. Bayard to Mr.
of the United States,
London, May 11, 1894.
(Received May 21.)
No. 217.]
Sir: As relating to the subject of your
Instruction No. 342 of April 6, last, I have now the honor to inclose
herewith copy of a letter published to-day from Sir Edward Grey,
parliamentary under secretary of state for foreign affairs, giving a
full and explicit denial of any action or intent on the part of any of
the officials of Her Majesty’s Government to assist the restoration of
monarchy in Brazil, or interfere in the contest there raging.
This is in full accord with the expressions of Lord Rosebery, when
secretary of state for foreign affairs, in a conversation with me at the
foreign office, which were duly communicated by me at the time of
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure in No. 217.—Cutting from the
Standard, May 11, 1894.]
the revolt in brazil.
Sir J. Blundell Maple, M. P., at the request of constituents in
Dulwich, recently called the attention of the Government to
allegations made by the Rio correspondent of the New York Herald, to
the effect that the commanders and crews of the British war ships at
Rio aided and counseled Admiral da Gama; that British merchant
vessels supplied the insurgents with food; that British subjects
conveyed letters to and from the shore for the rebels; and that
money had been transmitted through British banks and mercantile
firms for the rebel agents.
The following reply has now been received:
“Foreign Office, May 4, 1894.
“Dear Sir: The action of Her Majesty’s
representative at Rio, and of the British naval officers, was
directed solely to protect British commerce, and to preserve
complete impartiality during the recent disturbances.
“Any statement that the British officials joined in any attempt to
restore the monarchy, or in any way to change the political
situation, is absolutely untrue.
“Yours, faithfully,
“Edward Grey.
“To Sir J. Blundell Maple, M. P.”