Mr. Gresham to Mr. Bayard.

No. 548.]

Sir: On the 13th of July last, in my instruction No. 442, I summarized the views of this Government in regard to the boundary dispute between Great Britain and Venezuela, and inclosed copy of a memorandum on the subject which was handed to me by the Venezuelan minister on March 31, 1894.

In conferences with Señor Andrade, during your recent visit home, he doubtless expressed the earnest desire of his Government for a speedy determination of the question by arbitration.

I can not believe Her Majesty’s Government will maintain that the validity of their claim to territory long in dispute between the two countries shall be conceded as a condition precedent to the arbitration of the question whether Venezuela is entitled to other territory which, until a very recent period, was never in doubt. Our interest in the question has repeatedly been shown by our friendly efforts to further a settlement alike honorable to both countries, and the President is pleased to know that Venezuela will soon renew her efforts to bring about such an adjustment.

It is not doubted that you will discreetly exert your influence in favor of some plan of honorable settlement.

I am, sir, etc.,

W. Q. Gresham.