Mr. Coleman to Mr. Gresham.
Berlin, June 30, 1894.
Sir: Referring to the ambassador’s dispatch No. 53, of the 20th of February last, respecting his execution of the directions contained in your instruction No. 52, of the 1st of that month, relating to the desirability of the burdensome restriction which requires the microscopic inspection of meat (hog products) in the United States before shipment to Germany being removed, I have the honor to inform you that I called to-day on Baron von Rotenhan, acting secretary of state for foreign affairs, and urged dispatch in the matter, calling attention to the length of time that has elapsed without an answer having been given to the representations made by the ambassador in pursuance of your instruction.
Baron von Rotenhan assured me the matter should have full attention, and that the desired answer should be given at the earliest practicable moment.
I have, etc.,