Mr. Eustis to Mr. Gresham.

No. 184.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 181, of June 29, inclosing a copy of my dispatch transmitting to the minister of foreign affairs the expression of the sympathies of the American people and Government, I now send a copy and translation of Mr. Hanotaux’s reply to the same.

I also inclose a copy of your telegram received June 30, informing me that the President, Cabinet, members of the Senate and House of Representatives would attend on Sunday a religious service at Washington in memory of the late President, which information was at once communicated to Mr. Hanotaux.

I add a copy of my telegram of the 2d instant relative to the funeral of President Carnot, for which I ordered a large wreath, which I sent to the Palais de I’Élysée.

I have, etc.,

J. B. Eustis.
[Inclosure in No. 184.—Translation.]

Mr. Hanotaux to Mr. Eustis.

Mr. Ambassador: Your excellency has been good enough to express to me, in the name of the honorable Mr. Gresham, Secretary of State, the deep feeling of emotion with which the Government of the United States and the American nation were apprised of the crime of which President Carnot has been the victim, and to communicate to me the resolutions passed on this occasion by the Senate and by the House of Representatives.

In accordance with your desire I have not failed to make known these marks of sympathy to Madame Carnot and to the members of the Government of the Republic, who have been particularly touched by their expression.

I beg your excellency to be assured of their gratitude and to kindly make known their feelings to the American Government.

Please accept, etc.,

G. Hanotaux.