Mr. Uhl to Mr. Denby.
Washington, March 17, 1894.
Sir: I have received your No. 1800, of January 30, 1894, stating the circumstances under which a question has arisen as to the nationality of Mrs. Lester Lawrence, who has opened a hotel at Swatow.
You state that Mrs. Lawrence was originally a British subject, that she married a citizen of the United States, and has since been divorced.
Mrs. Lawrence, by her marriage, became an American citizen, both by British and American law; she is undoubtedly still an American citizen, viewed either from the American or from the English standpoint. She has not lost her American nationality by any method recognized by our law; and, according to British law, an English woman, who by marriage acquires foreign citizenship, must, in order to reacquire her original nationality upon her husband’s death, obtain a certificate therefor from the British authorities. It is not believed that any different rule would be applied where the parties are divorced. As Mrs. Lawrence claims American citizenship, it is assumed that she has not taken any steps to reacquire British nationality. It is not understood, either, that there is any conflicting claim to her allegiance. Your conclusions are, therefore, approved.
I am, etc.,
Acting Secretary.