No. 92.
Mr. Reinberg to Mr. Davis.

No. 99.]

Sir: Since my last dispatch, of the 27th ultimo, I have had no answer to my note addressed to the governor of the province of Manabi (copy of which was inclosed to you on the above-given date of my previous communication), relative to Mr. Santos’s case, nor do I expect any till the 5th of the present month, when the mail-carrier from that province reaches this city.

On the 28th ultimo Agent Goddard, of Bahia, arrived at this port; on his way here he passed by Porto Viejo, and saw Mr. Santos in prison, but as he had not received my dispatches with reference to his case, he did not obtain full particulars on the matter, as his dispatch No. 20 (copy of which I inclose) shows.

On the same day, the 28th, I received your telegram:

Report immediately by telegraph upon case of Julio Santos.

To which I could only answer:

Agent Goddard here; saw Santos Porto Viejo. Prison treatment good. Authorities stated trial commenced. Quantity evidence to take causes delay. Property seized by Government. Produce value five thousand U. S. C. sold. Goddard returning instructed watch case.

Later on, about 7 p.m. of same day, Secretary Chandler’s cablegram, as follows, was received:

Naval vessel ordered to Guayaquil in connection with case of Santos.

The Department will easily perceive the various causes which have so far prevented me from giving a specific report on Mr. Santos’s case, namely:

The want of communication with the prisoner, who has been taken from one place to another since his arrest.
The distance, about 150 miles of bad roads, which separate me from the prisoner, and that no mails could be sent there for more than a month, by reason of the northern ports being closed.
The pretended ignorance of the local authorities of the charges of the Government against Mr. Santos, as officially expressed in their answers to my various dispatches requesting information.
The marked desire of the President, who, in this South American Republic, is the only judiciary authority, and whose desires are always followed, to convict the prisoner, evidence of which is shown in the arbitrary confiscation of Mr. Santos’s property.

It is my firm belief that all these obstacles will only be overcome and Mr. Santos’s case cleared up with the presence of the naval vessels ordered here, which I expect will arrive this week.

I am, sir, &c.,

United States Vice-Consul-General.
[Page 233]
[Inclosure in No. 99.]

M. Reinberg, Esq.,
United States Vice-Consul-General, Guayaquil:

Sir: I have to advise you that on my journey to this place I found your dispatch No. 17 at Jipijapa; said dispatch had not been sent forward, owing to the fearful condition of the roads.

julio romano santos.

I have to advise in respect to this gentleman that the day before my arrival at Jipijapa, whilst at Porto Viejo, I discovered that Mr. Santos was incarcerated at that place, and as I had heard rumors that he was an American citizen I asked, and with some little difficulty obtained, permission to see him. Apparently he is well treated, having a good bed and a large clean room, in company with his brother. As I had not yet received your dispatch No. 17, I did not ask him other questions than those strictly relating to his naturalization as an American citizen and the proofs thereof.

I urged upon the commandant a speedy and fair trial, and he replied that his case was already in hand, but an exceedingly large number of declarations had to be taken, of necessity occupying much time.

He is charged with being one of the principals of the late revolutionary movement, and of having had a large quantity of arms and ammunition hidden in his house. In respect to his property it was in the hands of the Government officials when I left Bahia, and by order of His Excellency the President of the Republic a quantity of ivory-nuts, approximately valued at $5,000, were delivered from Mr. Santos warehouse.

On my return to my consular district by next steamer I will comply with your Instructions, and proceed to his place of incarceration and there take his declaration, and adopt such measures as may be necessary that he may have a fair and speedy trial. I inclose you my three monthly reports for the last quarter of the year 1884.

I am, sir, yours truly,

United States Consular Agent