No. 83.
Mr. Davis
to Mr. Beach.
Washington, December 29, 1884.
Sir: I transmit herewith a copy of a letter addressed to the Department by Messrs. Aaron Pennington Whitehead, of New York, and Nathaniel Wilson, of Washington, reporting the arrest and imprisonment by the authorities of Bahia of Julio Bomano Santos, a citizen of the United States, doing business in Bahia as a member of the firm of Santos, Hevia Hermanos (Santos, Hevia & Bros.). It appears that at the present time he is confined in the prison at Guayaquil, and that he is held on a charge of complicity in a recent revolutionary movement. The Secretary of State wishes you to avail yourself of the earliest possible opportunity to become fully acquainted with all the facts of this case, and make them known to the Department without delay. You will also communicate with the proper Ecuadorian authorities on the subject, with a view to securing to Mr. Santos an early hearing in his own behalf, and his prompt liberation if the charges be not sustained.
I am, &c.,
Assistant Secretary.