No. 431.
Mr. Porter to Mr. Magee.

No. 19.]

Sir: I inclose a copy of a dispatch from our consul at Gothenberg, containing statements touching the deportation of paupers and criminals from Sweden to the United States. The question is one of extreme gravity, and I have to ask that you will make a judicious and thorough investigation of the facts, and submit a report of the same to the Department.

I am, &c.,

Acting Secretary.
[Inclosure in No. 19.]

Mr. Cooper to Mr. Porter.

No. 88.]

Sir: I have the honor to invite your attention to the following statement and recommendation:

It has come to my knowledge that it is a common practice throughout Sweden to ship to the United States paupers and that class of criminals who have served out their sentences in work-houses, prisons, &c., hut who, pursuant to the laws of the Kingdom, are still laboring under political disabilities, such as the deprivation of the right to vote and of the rights of citizenship generally. * * * When the shipment of these classes from Swedish ports is impracticable, for one reason or another they are sent out of the country to foreign ports, such as Copenhagen and Hamburg.

As a consul, under existing laws, I am powerless, but I respectfully submit this suggestion looking to a suppression of the practice.

I respectfully recommend that the laws be so amended as to compel every intending emigrant of the age of ten years and upwards to produce before the consul of the United States at the port of embarkation a certificate from the proper authorities that he or she is a citizen of the country in which the port is located; and that he or she is not laboring under political disabilities of any nature whatsoever; that he or she is not the object of criminal proceeding or investigation, and is not a charge upon the community in which he or she may have lived as a pauper; and that the consul of the United States shall affix a brief certificate, under seal, attesting the legality of the paper produced by the emigrant.

I am, &c.,
