No. 40.
Mr. Hall to
Mr. Bayard.
Legation of
the United States in Central America,
Guatemala, March 19, 1886.
(Received April 17.)
No. 480.]
Sir: In his dispatch No. 466, of the 27th January
last, Mr. Pringle reports to the Department that a treaty of peace between
Nicaragua and Salvador was signed at Amapala, on or about the 12th of
December, 1885, as the result of a conference of delegates from all of the
Central American states. The conference did not take place in December, but
on the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th of January, and resulted in the
re-establishment of friendly relations between those states through the
mediation of the delegates from the others. The convention, it cannot be
called a treaty, was signed on the 13th of January. I inclose a copy and
translation. The spirit manifested at the conference appears to have been
highly conciliatory; the parties agreed to waive all explanations and the
discussion of their respective grievances, limiting such discussion to the
prime object of the conference, the renewal of their interrupted friendly
relations, and the promotion of peace and tranquillity among the peoples of
their states as an imperative necessity.
The fourth and last article of the convention provides for the settlement of
future questions and disputes by arbitration; after having made use of other
peaceful means of conciliation, it is agreed that such questions shall be
submitted to the foreign diplomatic representatives in Central America, and,
in case they should object, to the decision of one or more friendly
The convention was signed by the delegates of Nicaragua and Salvador as
parties thereto, and by the delegates of Guatemala, Honduras, and Costa Rica
as mediators. It has since been ratified by the Governments of the two
states most interested.
[Page 59]
The conference at Amapala and its satisfactory result are due to the
initiative of President Bogran, of Honduras, who took steps to bring it
about immediately after the invasion of Nicaragua by an expedition fitted
out in Salvador, as reported in No. 441, of the 4th November, 1885.
I inclose a copy of the protocol of the conference, but as its substance is
contained in the convention, I have deemed it unnecessary to append a
I have, &c.,
[Enclosure in No. 480.—Translation from El
Diario Nicaragüense of 15th January, 1886.]
peace in central america.—re-establishment of
relations between nicaragua and salvador.
We take pleasure in publishing in continuation the peace convention
agreed to at Amapala on the 13th instant, between the plenipotentiaries
of Nicaragua and Salvador, with the presence and mediation of the
representatives of Honduras, Guatemala, and Costa Rica.
The agreement appears to us to be highly satisfactory for both
Governments. No recriminations, no exigencies, nor irritating
explanations; the object of that diplomatic meeting of all Central
America has been reached with exclusion entirely of past
We know that the convention has been generally well received, and that
President Menendez telegraphed to Señor Castellano expressing himself as
well satisfied with the bases.
All good Central Americans ought to be well pleased in regard to the
meeting at Amapala. To the enlightened Government of Honduras belongs
the high honor of having initiated the patriotic idea, and of
co-operating actively and intelligently in carrying it out.
convention of amapala.
In virtue of the bases proposed, with the authorization of the
plenipotentiaries of Honduras, Costa Rica, and Guatemala, for the
settlement of the disagreement existing between the Governments of
Nicaragua and Salvador, as appears in the protocol to that effect,
signed by them and having unanimously accepted those bases at the public
session of yesterday, and in compliance with the agreement expressed in
the finale of the proceedings, His Excellency Dr. Don Tomas Ayon, Envoy
Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Nicaragua,
of the one part, and His Excellency Dr. Don Jacinto Castillano, of the
other part, both of them competently authorized by their respective
Governments, have agreed to the following stipulations:
- (1)
- The plenipotentiaries of Nicaragua and Salvador, faithfully
interpreting the sentiments of conciliation and mutual
benevolence that animate their respective Governments, leaving
put all discussion and even explanations that might cause ill
feeling, considering the primordial object of their mission the
imperative necessity of establishing upon solid bases the
exterior peace and interior tranquillity of the peoples, consign
to oblivion every motive of disagreement between the
Governments, and recognize in their full force and vigor the
conventions and treaties hitherto existing in which friendship
between the two Republics was stipulated.
- (2)
- With the view of renewing the relations unfortunately
interrupted between the Governments of Nicaragua and Salvador,
each Government shall issue on the 10th of February next a
decree declaring their official relations to be mutually
reestablished, and in order that the contracting Governments
shall be reciprocally informed of the approval of the present
convention and of the date thereof, each one shall give notice
by telegraph to the minister for foreign affairs of Honduras, so
that he may, by the same means, inform the contracting
- (3)
- For the re-establishment of the most perfect confidence and
tranquillity in Nicaragua and Salvador, and in order that the
asylum of the enemies and malcontents may not in any case be
prejudicial to either of the Republics from whence they proceed,
it is stipulated that the Governments of the mentioned Republics
shall concentrate the refugees, in order to keep a watch over
them and to prevent their providing themselves with arms and
implements of war that might be made use of for antagonizing
their Governments. For the due information of the said
Governments upon other points, it is likewise stipulated that
whenever there is any suspicious emigration from
[Page 60]
Nicaragua in Salvador, or vice versa, or either of them shall have
information of machinations or plottings of the malcontents
against the Governments of one or the other of said Republics,
the one so informed shall give official notification to the
other, in order that it may take suitable and seasonable
- (4)
- Whatever may be the motives of disagreement that in future may
unfortunately occur, the Governments of Nicaragua and Salvador
solemnly stipulate to abide by arbitration as a necessary and
civilized medium to avoid war, and previously to make use of all
pacific measures of satisfaction and agreement.
These measures shall be the exposition of the offenses and injuries,
verified by proof or by trustworthy witnesses of the Government which
considers itself aggrieved, and if due explanations or satisfaction be
not given, then, as is stipulated, the matter shall be submitted to
arbitration of the diplomatic representatives accredited in Central
America, and that in case these should object to accepting the duty, it
shall be submitted to the decision of one or more friendly
In testimony of all which we sign and seal,
with our respective seals, the present convention in
Amapala, the 13th day of the month of January,
The plenipotentiary mediator of the Government
of Honduras:
plenipotentiary mediator of the Government of Costa Rica:
The plenipotentiary mediator of the
Government of Guatemala: