No. 371.
Mr. Buck
to Mr. Bayard.
Legation of
the United States,
Peru, June 8, 1886. (Received July
No. 116.]
Sir: After closing the mail last Saturday in which
was forwarded my No. 114 of the 4th instant, I received the note of which I
inclose a copy and translation, officially announcing the organization of
the new Government.
I inclose a copy of my reply delivered at the foreign office yesterday.
Your obedient servant,
[Page 771]
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Mr. Rivas to Mr.
Mr. Minister: Elected by the unanimous vote of
the nation and proclaimed by the Congress, the Citizen General Andres
Avelino Cáceres, constitutional President of the Republic. He assumed
yesterday the exercise of his functions, and has thought fit to organize
his Government as follows: President of the council of ministers and
minister of Government, police, and public works, Dr. Pedro Alejandrino
del Solar; minister of justice, instruction, religion, and beneficence,
Dr. Juan Francisco Pazos; minister of war and marine, Col. Justiniano
Borgoño; minister of finance and commerce, Mr. Luis N. Bryce; and of
foreign affairs, the undersigned.
In communicating to your excellency these events it is a pleasure for me
to manifest that the new National Government will inspire its relations
with foreign countries in the good faith and cordiality which the
traditional practices of the Republic prescribe, avoiding with a high
spirit all that may occasion difficulties contrary to the realization of
its intention of inaugurating a period of reform, peace, and work.
Your excellency will please transmit this declaration to your Government,
and accept, &c.
[Inclosure 2 in No. 116.]
Mr. Buck to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Lima, June 5,
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of
your excellency’s note of yesterday informing me of the succession of
General Cáceres to executive power, and the formation of his Cabinet
with your excellency in charge of the department of foreign
It will afford me pleasure to transmit a copy of the same to my
It is grateful for me to refer to the friendly action already taken by
the President of the United States, as indicated in my note No. 23, of
the 27th ultimo, and before announced in my No. 20, of April 28.
It is only necessary to note the frank and cordial words reported as used
by President Cleveland in his remarks to the esteemed late minister of
Peru at Washington, to make manifest the sympathetic disposition of my
I trust the auspicious inauguration of the new administration, under the
sanction of the popular will, as expressed in the late elections, is
truly the dawn of a happy future for a sister Republic, to which my own
country is related by traditions of sincere good will and
Permit me to tender, &c.