No. 368.
Mr. Buck
to Mr. Bayard.
Legation of
the United States,
Peru, December 4, 1885. (Received
December 26.)
No. 57.]
Sir: In my No. 56, of last Saturday, 28th ultimo,
you were advised that the situation here seemed very serious.
On Saturday evening, after dark, the several diplomatic representatives here
received a manifesto from Colonel Solar, General Cáceres’ general minister,
dated at Vitarte (about 4 miles from Lima), November 27, of which I inclose
a copy and translation.
At once, by concert with the French minister, Count Piná, the English,
Italian, and Spanish ministers and myself met at his legation to consider
the situation. We had not time, owiug to the urgency of the case, to get
together all the members of the diplomatic corps in a formal meeting.
We agreed that the manifesto from General Cáceres, in view of his near
position, should be accepted, not as grounds for making any representations
to the Government, but as a notice from an invading force of imminent
danger, in conjunction with the visible preparations being made by General
Iglesias in the very heart of the city for a combat, justifying the
liveliest feelings for the safety of our several colonies.
We therefore unanimously resolved to address to the minister of foreign
affairs the note of which I inclose a copy and translation.
This action was taken between 10 and 11 o’clock at night, after due
interchange of views; and the note was placed in the hands of the chancellor
of the French legation to be delivered at once.
He, however, did not succeed in finding the minister of foreign affairs, and
was informed at the palace that orders had been issued to receive no
dispatches whatever during the night, and the note was not delivered until 8
o’clock Sunday morning.
The reply of the minister of foreign affairs was not made until the afternoon
of same day, and was evasive, simply acknowledging receipt of the note and
stating that the subject-matter would have to be considered by the cabinet
and, as soon as that had been done, he would advise us. Meanwhile, at ten
o’clock on Sunday morning, the whole diplomatic corps convened at the house
of the dean (the Chilian minister), and it was resolved unanimously, in view
of the imminent peril, in the interest of humanity, to tender the good
offices of the corps to ascertain if they could be of any service in
avoiding a combat in the streets of the capital.
A memorandum was formulated, of which I inclose copy and translation, and the
Italian, Argentine, and Bolivian ministers were appointed as commissioners
to communicate the same. This they did, and the result is announced in a
note of which only the inclosed translation has been furnished me.
* * * * * * *
As will be observed from the note of General Cáceres, he had established
himself within about 4 miles of Lima, at Vitarte, on November 27.
Combats followed on Saturday and Sunday; and on Monday, November 30, there
was active fighting all day, between the advancing skirmish
[Page 763]
line of General Cáceres and outposts and
skirmishers of the Government.
The two lines occupied positions with their right resting on the river Rimac,
south of the stream, and extending across a level stretch to the foot of the
hills and thence along the crest of parallel ranges in the segment of a
circle to the southeast, some three miles. The sharpest fighting occurred
when the Cáeristas captured the peak, some 1,400 feet high, called San
Bartolomé, when two pieces of Government artillery were taken between 9 and
10 a.m., and at the Government’s right, where its forces had artillery
stationed, which was captured by the Cáceristas late in the evening.
Through the whole two days of fighting without the city, the Cáceristas made
constant advances, taking position after position, and finally driving the
Government forces into the city late Monday evening.
Early in the day the noted negro cavalry leader, Colonel Pachas (chief of the
squadron of Polica), was killed, and his death seems to have had a
demoralizing effect on the Government troops.
The general line of fighting along the hills could be seen from the
house-tops of Lima, and was watched by thousands of people in towers and on
the roofs.
The Government occupied the mountain of San Cristobal, more than 1,100 feet
high, just to the north of the city, on Monday evening. It is almost an
inaccessible peak and overlooks the city and country for miles, until in one
direction the view is cut off by the higher peaks of the Cordilleras, and in
the other it is limited by the far-away horizon line of the Pacific. This
was the extreme limit of their occupation to the north.
In connection with the city, north of the Rimac the Iglesias forces occupied
the old bridge Desamparados, stretching their line behind its stone
battlements and thence, under cover of the buildings to the American
railroad station of Desamparados, just opposite the northeast corner of the
palace fronting on the main plaza, the palace itself having been converted
into a formidable citadel. They also occupied the house-tops to the north of
the palace, the cathedral towers to the north of the plaza, and commanded
with artillery and gatling guns the streets running east and west along the
front and rear of the palace and the next parallel street south of the
plaza, and also the two streets running north and south along the other two
sides of the palace and the plaza. They also occupied the artillery barracks
in the southeast part of the city, and the principal church towers; notably
those of San Francisco, San Pedro, San Domingo, Mercedes, and San Augustin,
all of which are formidable fortresses in themselves; and from their
superior elevations overlook the palace and the plaza within easy
The Cáceristas entered the city during Monday night to the east, through the
old “Portada de Maravillas” into the “Calle de Anchas,” and through the
“Portada de Barbines” into the “Calle de Juuin.” Along these streets they
could approach by oblique lines under cover to the center of the city, and
from them distribute themselves into position without being raked by fire
from the palace and plaza, except as they crossed the streets commanded at
right angles from the strongholds of the Government. Thus they occupied with
their right the “Puente de Viterbo”—more commonly known as “Battas Bridge”—a
splendid iron structure, and approached the church of San Francisco, which
they stormed and captured, thus gaining a splendid position within one
square of the palace, with an open plaza in front, and threw up a barricade
of large stone slabs, taken from the sidewalks, across the entrance to San
[Page 764]
Francisco plaza, looking
towards the palace. With that small plaza thus covered, they could handle
their men and artillery from the church and behind their protections. Thence
they extended their lines along the Calle de Abancay, throwing up barricades
at the intersection of the three streets Junin, Muallaga, aud Ucayali, which
were commanded by the fire of the Government troops from the palace, plaza,
and at the corner of the streets Ucayali and Carabaya.
The legation where we were stationed during the fight is in the street
Carabaya, between the plaza and the corner of Ucayali. Behind each of their
barricades the Cáceristas had cannon, and for the first time in the history
of street fighting in this country artillery was used by the attacking
force, and the explosion of shells added to the general horrors of a battle
in the heart of a great city.
Early in the day, Tuesday, the Cáceristas captured the towers of San Pedro,
and from that point on their left to San Francisco on their right, and from
the towers of those two churches, there was the heaviest firing during the
An attack was made on the artillery barracks at one time, but it was soon
abandoned, and at another a force of Cáceristas climbed the peak of San
Cristobal and drove down the steep sides toward the city the Government
troops who were from their lofty cover keeping up a harassing fire on that
part of their force stationed at “Battas Bridge,” but after a most wonderful
feat in scaling steeps so precipitous that a man can with difficulty climb
them unincumbered, they found the place was not worth sparing men to occupy,
and they gave it up in order to concentrate their force along the main line
of fight, as indicated, in the designated streets.
The firing began before 6 o’clock a.m. and lasted until 6.30 p.m., when the
Government asked for a truce. Thus was ended one of the most brilliant and
remarkable military achievements of which I know any record; indeed, so
remarkable that only success, which overrides all rules, could make its
conception appear other than the promptings of despair or the rashness of
reckless adventure.
The obscureness of the field of action and the smallness of the forces
involved alone can keep it from centering upon General Cáceres the eyes of
the world.
After the battle of Jauja, and what must have been a serious loss, he marched
his army of over 2,000 men about 200 miles from Huaripampa, in the Tambo, to
Lima, across the rugged Cordilleras, almost without roads, over the ice and
snows of the mightiest mountains, stopping only two days en route for rest, encountering almost intolerable hardships, yet
sometimes making 30 miles a day with his soldiers on foot leading their
horses, which were loaded with arms, provisions, and cannon, the latter
being taken to pieces and strapped on pack-saddles. Of this distance only
about 85 miles was aided by railroad.
At Chicla, the terminus of the Oroya road, he captured one locomotive and ten
cars, and, although the Government had destroyed bridges on the line, * * *
he had these put in place and with such scant railroad facilities had
transferred his army down the gorges of the Rimac to Lima in twelve days
after the battle of Jauja, and in four days more he had driven the
Government forces, larger than his own, superbly equipped and armed, from
every position on the outskirts of the capital, corraled them in the walls
of their inner defenses within the heart of the city, and forced the
Government, with all its superior resources, and behind its central
fortress, to sue for a peace which conceded virtually just the terms he had
always consistently demanded.
[Page 765]
The Government claimed before the combat to have 3,700 men, but I doubt if
they really had more than 2,500. Perhaps Cáceres did not have under his
command more, than 2,300 men when he entered the city.
The wounded in the hospitals are stated as follows: Government forces, 14
officers and 79 soldiers; Cáceristas lost 20 officers and 112 soldiers;
citizens, 30. The number of dead is not given.
Tuesday evening, after thirteen hours of fighting, the minister of foreign
affairs, communicated with the Brazilian minister, whose residence was most
accessible, the firing being too heavy to reach other legations, and stated
that the Government desired to suggest terms for peace, and wished to accept
the good offices of the diplomatic corps.
These terms were stated verbally, but were as recorded in the act, written in
General Cáceres’s headquarters, of which I inclose copy and translation.
Of course great haste was needed, as General Cáceres had announced when the
truce was asked, unless an arrangement was effected by noon of Tuesday he
would reopen fire, so a pen copy had to be obtained afterwards.
Meanwhile General Cáceres, upon the truce being asked, had communicated to
the French minister by note his desire that an arrangement should terminate
bloodshed, and indicated his inclination to abide by the same terms which he
had repeatedly suggested before.
The diplomatic corps convened at the Chilian minister’s at 10 o’clock
Wednesday morning, and concluded to proceed in a body with the terms
suggested by General Iglesias to General Cáceres’ headquarters, and on
behalf of the Government lay them before him.
Upon presenting the matter General Cáceres stated the terms were virtually
those he had repeatedly himself proposed and were in accordance with his
views, so they were, for purpose of definite record, put into writing, and
signed in duplicate by General Cáceres, and each member of the diplomatic
body. One copy was left with General Cáceres; the dean took the other, and
the whole corps proceeded at once to the palace, presented the document to
President Iglesias and his foreign minister, and it was signed by him, and a
copy made and left with the minister of foreign affairs.
I have only to add that these preliminaries being accomplished, General
Iglesias named as commissioners on the part of the Government Monseñor
Tovar, Dr. José Nicolas Rebaza, and Dr. Manuel A. Barinaga, and General
Cárceres on his part Messrs. Cárlos M. Elias, José Gregorio Garcia, and Dr.
José Eusebio Sanchez.
These six commissioners met in the Spanish legation, and formulated the
conditions for the formation of a new provisional Government, and named the
several members of the new cabinet as follows: President of the council and
minister of foreign affairs, Dr. Antonio Arenas; minister of Government,
police and public works, Dr José Eusebio Sanchez; minister of justice,
public instruction, and beneficence, Monseñor Dr. Manuel Tovar; minister of
war and navy, Colonel Manuel Velarde; and minister of the treasury and
commerce, Pedro Correa y Santiago
* * * * * * *
I have the honor, &c.,
[Page 766]
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Vitarte, November 27,
Most Excellent Sir: The gravity and most high
importance of the events about to occur in search of a solution which
may put an end to the fatal struggle in which the forces of General
Iglesias are engaged against the opinion of the country, oblige me to
address myself in the name of his Excellency, the provisional President
of the Republic, to your excellency as a worthy member of the diplomatic
body resident at Lima.
General Iglesias, against all precepts of right and human laws, is
engaged in maintaining his personal authority at the cost of Peruvian
blood already profusely shed, and intent upon the pursuit of this end
has converted the capitol of the Republic and the Government palace into
a military fortification, compelling even neutrals to sacrifice
themselves at the altar of his foolish ambition.
Hard as may be so cruelly bloody a sacrifice, unavoidable duties prevent
my Government from refusing to take sides in this, it being the only
bulwark behind which General Iglesias sustains his unpatriotic
Government. Only he and those who being able and perhaps in duty bound
to do so, fail to prevent the sad consequences, will be responsible for
the same.
I am, then, under the necessity of informing your excellency of the
determination of my Government to seek General Iglesias within the
formidable intrenchments of the palace as the only means existing of
accomplishing the task imposed upon it by the nation. Not the least
responsibility will rest upon us on account of the blood that will be
shed there, nor the horrors accompanying such an event.
It is hereby certified, notwithstanding, that General Cáceres is still
disposed to desist from the employment of force and to resign the
authority with which he is invested immediately General Iglesias does
the same, thus leaving the people free to exercise their will without
violence or coercion.
It is my honorable duty to inform your excellency of the intentions and
sentiments that animate my Government in the present question. Hoping
your excellency will take such steps as may appear just and proper in
view of the common calamity with which all are threatened,
I subscribe myself, &c.,
General Minister
of General Cáceres.
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Note of portion of the diplomatic
corps to Mr. Urrutia.
Mr.Minister: Consequent upon accounts received
from good sources and in view of the visible military preparations which
have been going on for some days at the Government palace, the
undersigned unfortunately feel themselves justified in fearing an
imminent attack upon the city of Lima.
Being intrusted with the protection of the interests of their respective
countrymen, the painful impression made upon them by the prospect of a
battle threatened to be I fought in the streets of the city and the
well-founded alarm caused to them, in consequence, cannot escape the
foresight of the Government. It being, under the circumstances,
incumbent upon them in so far as they may be able to do so before it be
too late to take efficient measures for the protection of their charges,
the undersigned earnestly beg your excellency to be so good as to inform
them without delay whether the Government has really determined to offer
battle in the capital itself to the forces that actually threaten
Awaiting a prompt and explicit reply and formulating from this moment the
most ample reservations as to the responsibility regarding the damages
that may accrue to their respective colonies, the undersigned avail
themselves of this opportunity to renew to your excellency the
assurances of their high consideration.
[Page 767]
[Inclosure 3 in No.
Note from diplomatic
corps to Mr. Urrutia.
In Lima, on the 29th day of November, 1885, met together the Envoys
Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary, Mr. Jovino Novoa for the
Republic of Chili, Mr. Jacinto Villegas for the Argentine, Mr. Charles
W. Buck for the United States of America, Mr. José Manuel Braun for
Bolivia, and the Condé a de Piná for the Republic of France; the
resident ministers, Mr. Hermann A. Schumacher for the Empire of Germany,
Mr. Emilio de Ojeda for His Christian Majesty, Mr. Enrique de Gubernatis
for His Majesty the King of Italy, Mr. Charles Mansfield for Her
Britannic Majesty, and the Chargé d’Affaires, Mr. Enrique de B.
Cavalcanti de Lacerda, for the Empire of Brazil, and Mr. Shu Cheon Pon
for the Empire of China, and agreed upon the following:
“The diplomatic corps, in view of the present state of affairs and of the
possibility of a combat taking place in the city of Lima, think it a
duty to humanity to offer to the Government of Peru their good offices
in so far as these can serve to avoid the calamities and disasters of
this combat.”
It was also agreed to name Messrs. Villegas, Braun, and Gubernatis to
present a copy of this act to the minister of foreign affairs of
Jovino Novoa, Jacinto Villegas, Charles W. Buck,
José Manuel Braun, Piná, Emilio de Ojeda, C. Mansfield, E. de
Gubernatis, Hermann A. Shumacher, Shu Cheon Pon, H. B. Cavalcanti de
True copy of the original act.
Plenipotentiary of Chili. - MANUEL J. NOVOA,
Secretary of
the Legation of Chili.
[Inclosure 4 in No.
Note from the Italian minister to
Peru to the diplomatic
My Dear Colleagues: After considerable search
we found Urrutia, who had been informed of our mission by Novoa, and was
prepared with his answer. His answer was as follows: “The Government
appreciate the generous sentiments which determined the action of the
diplomatic body, and are extremely grateful for your good offices.”
At one moment he appeared to say, “Are grateful for and accept;” but
having desired him to repeat his sentence, he confined himself to
expressing their gratitude. All attempts to extract another word proved
fruitless, more especially as Mr. Villegas put a stop to this interview
by remarking that our object reduced itself to receiving his answer and
transmitting the same. Mr. Urrutia nevertheless closed by adding that in
the event of a conflict taking place the responsibility rested with
Cáceres, not with Iglesias. Upon this he asked me whether, in
consequence of the declaration made by the diplomatic body, it remained
his duty to answer yesterday’s note. I replied that I was not intrusted
with the mission of expressing the opinion of my colleagues on that
score, but that I could give him my personal views. “In my opinion,” I
continued, “all depends on the reply which the Government may return to
our offer of good offices. Should our good offices be accepted and
enable us to avert the disasters we anticipate, then our note has no
farther reason to exist; but if, on the other band, the Government,
while expressing their acknowledgments, reject our offer, I should
desire to learn at an early date the intentions of the Government, in
order to take measures in consequence.” Mr. Urrutia took note of my
views, and reserved to himself to ask you for your opinion.
I am,
Mr. Buck, Count Piná, and Colonel Mansfield.
[Inclosure 5 in No.
Legation of Chili in Peru,
Lima, December 2,
The diplomatic corps being assembled in the building of Congress in the
presence of General Cáceres with the object of seeking a means of
solution of the existing internal contest, the minister of Chili, Mr.
Novoa, for himself and his honorable colleagues,
[Page 768]
set forth that the diplomatic corps, in their
desire to contribute to the pacification of Peru, had tendered their
good offices to General Iglesias, and that he, accepting them, had
stated that he was animated by the same sentiments and was ready to
enter into arrangements with General Cáceres on the basis of both
resigning the power exercised by them, and determining by means of
special commissioners a third authority (entidad), that should convoke an election of President,
vice-president, senators, and deputies of the nation.
To this statement of Mr. Novoa, ratified by each and all of his honorable
colleagues, General Cáceres answered, showing that the basis just now
proposed by General Iglesias preserved perfect conformity with that
which had before and on repeated occasions been presented by himself, in
his desire to insure internal peace,: Mr. Novoa then stated that once in
accord, as they were, on the essence of the
question, it was in his opinion indispensable that General
Iglesias be immediately informed of this result, in order that he might
name special commissioners.
After this conclusion Mr. Ojeda pointed out the advisability of making
record of the present conference in order to give relief and
tranquillity to the alarmed inhabitants of the city.
Mr. Novoa added that General Iglesias had expressed his desire that after
settlement had been made there should reign in all political parties
complete oblivion of past differences, leaving neither conqueros nor
conquered, hut Peruvians bound by the indissoluble tie of love of
General Cáceres having manifested that he was moved by the same
sentiments, the act was pronounced terminated.
Cáceres, Jovino Novoa, Jacinto Villegas, Carlos W.
Buck, José M. Piná, Braun, Hermann A. Schumaker, Emilio de Ojeda, E.
de Gubernatis, C. E. Mansfield, A. B. Cavalcanti de Lacerda, Shu
Cheon Pon, Pedro A. del Solar, A. Morales Toledo
A correct copy of the original.
l. s.]
Minister Plenipotentiary of
l. s.]
Secretary of the
Legation of Chili.
[Inclosure 6 in No.
agreement of the peace commissioners.
Met together in the house of the Resident Minister of Spain, Messrs. Dr.
José Eusebio Sanchez, Carlos M. Elias, José Gregorio Garcia, Monseñor
Dr. Manuel Tovar, Dr. Manuel A, Barinaga, and Dr. José Nicolas Rébaza,
being the commissioners named, respectively, by General Andres A.
Cáceres and General Miguel Iglesias, with the object of arriving at an
agreement to put an end to the actual state of affairs and to secure
internal peace, they proceeded to exchange the corresponding full
powers, which were found ample and in order.
Dr. Ermel J. Rospigliosi having been named secretary of the
commissioners, Dr. Tovar proposed that the act drawn up at the meeting
of the honorable diplomatic corps on this day should be read; and
starting with the agreement arrived at and accepted in the said meeting,
and agreed to by General Iglesias and by General Cáceres, and in view of
the full powers given to the commissioners, the following was agreed to:
- Article 1. To put in force at once
the constitution of 1860.
- Art. 2. That the resignation to
which the said act refers, made by Generals Cáceres and
Iglesias, will be made evident in an explicit manner by the
respective decrees which will be issued to the effect.
- Art. 3. That the authority which
shall assume the government to which said act refers will be a
council of ministers named by the commission, giving to each
member a portfolio, and naming the one to which the presidency
of the council corresponds.
- Art. 4. The council of ministers
will call popular elections for President of the Republic,
vice-president, senators and deputies within the third day of
their installation, which elections will be made according to
the constitution of 1860.
- Art. 5. Both the forces of General
Cáceres, as well as those of General Iglesias, will, remain
under the command of their respective commanders-in-chief, who
will hold them at the disposal of the council of ministers, they
taking up their quarters in the following places: The forces of
General Cáceres will encamp in the zone of the plantation of
Santa Clara; those of General Iglesias in the zone of Chorillos;
those that should arrive from the north of the Republic in
Callao; and those under the command of Colonel Gregorio Relaize
in the zone which the new Government shall appoint.
[Page 769]
The evacuation of this
capital should commence to-morrow, Thursday, 3d instant, at 1
p.m., the city remaining in charge of the police forces, under
the command of the actual prefect of the department.
- Art. 6. The council of ministers
having charge of the executive power remains formed as
President of the council and minister of foreign affairs, Dr. Antonio
Arenas; minister of government Police and public works, Dr. José Eusebio
Sanchez; minister of justice, public instruction, and beneficence,
Monseñor Dr. Manuel Tovar; minister of war and marine, Colonel Manuel
Velarde; Minister of finance and commerce, M. Pedro Correa y Santiago,
having agreed that the portfolios are obligatory.
Dr. Sanchez and Monseñor Dr. Tovar strongly opposed being named for
government and justice, respectively, but they were overruled by the
other members of the commission. It was lastly agreed to make three
copies of the present memorandum of agreement, with the end that one
should be given to General Cáceres, another to General Iglesias, and the
third to the president of the council of ministers, and they signed José
Eusebio Sanchez, Manuel Tovar, José Nicolas Rébaza, Carlos M. Elias,
Manuel A. Barinaga, José Gregorio Garcia.
note communicating result to president
of council and ministers.
Ermel J. Rospigliosi, secretary, having communicated the preceding
agreement the following note was sent:
Lima, December 2, 1885.
Mr. President of the Council of
Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Dr. Antonio
Mr. President: The undersigned, named in
commission by Generals Miguel Iglesias and Andres A. Cáceres, with the
object of arriving at an arrangement which would put an end to the
actual state of affairs and secure internal peace, have proceeded to
elect a council of ministers to exercise the supreme command in the
terms which appear in the act which we have the honor to forward to your
honor, who has been named to preside over the same.
Which we have the honor to communicate to your honor for the after
God guard your honor.
Manuel Tovar, José Eusebio Sanchez, José Nicholas
Rebaza, Carlo M. Elias Manuel A. Barinaga, J. Gregorio