No. 36.
Mr. Bayard
to Mr. Pringle.
Washington, November 18, 1885.
Sir: I have received Mr. Hall’s confidential dispatch No. 404, of August 31 last, announcing that ex-President Zavala, of Nicaragua, had accomplished the object of his recent visit to Guatemala, and that the amicable relations between those two sister Republics, which the decree of the late President Barrios, of February 28 last, had temporarily interrupted, had been re-established.
The President directs me to say that he has been much gratified at this intelligence, and to express his willingness to permit our representatives in Central America to use their influence to that end when it can be done with full recognition of the sovereign rights of those states. He hopes, also, as do the people of the United States, that not only may there be between the Central American Republics the most perfect, cordial, and friendly understanding, but that the fullest measure of success may be realized through their combined peaceful endeavors, and a new era of prosperity be vouchsafed unto them.
I am, &c.,