No. 32.
Mr. Trail to Mr. Bayard.

No. 65.]

Sir: Referring to your instruction No. 40, of September 6, 1886, to Mr. Jarvis, I have the honor to inclose herewith a translation of a note of Baron de Cotegipe, Brazilian minister of foreign affairs, with reference to the claim of James C. Jewett.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 65.—Translation.]

Baron de Cotegipe to Mr. Trail.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the note of the 3d instant, in which the minister, Mr. Thomas J. Jarvis, informs me of the instructions which his Government sends him in respect to the claim which was made some years ago against Brazil by James C. Jewett, a citizen of the United States, in the sum of $50,000,000.

In perfect accord with the tenor of these instructions that I read with the greatest interest, it becomes me to declare to Mr. Charles B. Trail, United States chargé d’affaires ad interim, that nothing could be more pleasing to the Imperial Government than to see how much the Government of the said. States is animated by feelings of cordial friendship for this Empire, and earnestly desires to avail itself of all occasions when it can show its desire to maintain unbroken the relations of good understanding and mutual confidence that have always existed between the two countries.

Relative to the manner in which the Secretary of State expresses himself upon the entire absence of a legal basis (improcedencia) in the claim that Mr. Jewett sought to revive, notwithstanding, a final judgment had been rendered against him by the competent Brazilian authorities, it was nothing less than what was to be expected from the spirit of justice and impartiality that has characterized so much on other occasions the department of which his excellency has charge.

In the name of the Imperial Government, then, I request that Mr. Trail will transmit to the Secretary of State the most feeling (sentidas) expressions of thankfulness for the important and grateful communication that I have just received, and will assure his excellency that the same Government on its part will vie with all its strength to always correspond to sentiments so valuable.

I will not fail to inform the ministry of agriculture, commerce, and public works of the happy and definite solution arrived at from the aforesaid note of Mr. Jarvis.

I approve with pleasure the occasion to reiterate to Mr. Trail the assurances of my very distinct consideration.