No. 308.
Mr. Morgan
to Mr. Bayard.
Mexico, May 26, 1886. (Received June 3.)
Sir: Referring to my No. 230 of yesterday, relative to the attack made by Mexican soldiers upon United States troops near the Haros River, Sonora, in which Capt. Emmet Crawford lost his life, I have the honor to inclose herewith copy of my note to Mr. Mariscal acknowledging receipt of his, of 21st ultimo and of 19th instant, and to say that I deemed this subject of such importance that I sent you yesterday the following telegram:
To-night I send a report of Mexican Government relative to killing of Crawford.
In this connection I beg to acknowledge receipt of your No. 183 of 15th instant, with inclosures, which have been carefully read and filed with the other papers in this case.
I am, sir, &c.,