No. 302.
Mr. Morgan
to Mr. Bayard.
Mexico, March 31, 1886. (Received April 9.)
Sir: I have read with very attentive care your No. 148, of the 20th instant, together with the accompaniments, relative to the circumstances attending the attack made by Mexican troops upon a detachment of [Page 585] American soldiers near the Haros River, Sonora, Mexico, in which Captain Crawford was killed, and expressive of the serious character of the regrettable incident.
Receiving no specific instructions as to the disposition to be made of the dispatch and inclosures referred to, I have judged it your intention, by their transmission, to complete the records of the case in this legation, and have accordingly filed them in the archives.
Since Mr. Jackson’s No. 158, of 23d ultimo, nothing has been heard from the Mexican Government relating to the subject of this note.
I am, &c.,